G'day All,
Further to my post on the 19/12/01 I have put up some further info on SQUID
and GENIE - schemes for weak signal transmissions on LF - on my website.
If interested go to:-
HomePage URL: http://www.zeta.org.au/~ollaneg
and look for the links under the "Experimental Communications Modes"
Comments, giggles, guffaws ???
73s Steve Olney (VK2ZTO/AXSO - QF56IK : Lat -33 34 07, Long +150 44 40)
HomePage URL: http://www.zeta.org.au/~ollaneg
ULF, ELF, VLF & LF Experimentation
MF 22m Experimentation
InfraSonic Experimentation
Laser Comms DX