May I start with apologies.
On switching on this morning the modem was called and connected
to the ISP before I called the e-mail programme. Watching in open
mouthed amazement the system blasted goodness knows what into
"ether" of the www before I reacted and tore the modem cable out
of the wall socket.
The virus protection programme eventually told me it was
W32/MsInit.worm.b residing in Window/System/Wininit.exe
It would appear unlikely to have arrived as an attachment and
probably was received while working with I_Link yesterday.
Computers with the "C" drive "share" open are said to be
vulnerable. I sincerely hope I have not passed this menace
on to anybody and apologise again if I have.
73, Brian
73 Brian CT1DRP IN51QD 41 09 58N 08 39 11W