At 1/14/02 11:36:00 AM, you wrote:
john currie wrote:
Hi Valerio , i think I saw you last night for the first time. Condx were
poor But "IK" stands out. Were you on at that time ( around 0530)?
Picture to follow
73 de John VE1ZJ
Hello John.
Have u been watching around 2200 utc onwards for any sigs around the usual
135.922 khz.
F6BWO has been on and I have been going on for short periods. I think others
have been on also from UK/EU.
Where can I get the email address for VE7SL and VE1ZZ. I never see any msgs
from them via the reflector. I prefer to email direct for their acty
73 de Mal/G3KEV
Look at the source of the message, that's were all the info is!