Apparently HF Instruments have just sold their last unit.
They said the same to me, but they added that they have the AD9851
model, which is an AD9850 plus an internal clock multiplier.
And goes to 180MHz clock frequency rather than 120MHz for the AD9850.
The driver PIC software for the DDS module defaults to Multiplier Off, so
the 9851 can be used as a drop in replacement. I can supply a version of
the PIC software that sets the x6 multiplier On if anyone wants this.
As W1TAG pointed out, a US colour (or should that be color :-) subcarrier
crystal at 3.579...MHz can be pulled to give 'nice' frequency steps. When
used with the x6 multiplier option it will result in a clock frequency that
gives a DDS step interval of exactly 0.05Hz
Andy G4JNT
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