At 12.54 28/01/02, you wrote:
Gasparik Richard wrote:
> During the weekend I had a lot of QRM on the band. It looks like
> crossmodulation from AM broadcast.
Yes, I heard it too. I thought it was caused by the Luxembourg effect,
so didn't give it much attention. But now I will check if the language,
supposing I can hear it clear enough, is something similar to Czech..
(which translates into checking that for me it is double Dutch...:-)
73 Alberto I2PHD
The interfering station will be different for every listener, since it
depends on the geometry of the phenomenon... it was widely
discussed on this reflector at the origins (three years ago...?)
when we were not sure it was Luxembourg effect; at the time
I presumed it was a defective emission from Europe 2 near
Saarbrucken on 183 kHz or so.
The modulation is wide, distorted and lacking high frequencies
because of the thermal time constant of the ionosphere... a curious
thing, that confirms that you are not hearing a spurious emission.
Also, at times more than one station may be received.
I may forward the relevant messages to anyone interested; I
remember a very good explanation by Andre' Kesteloot.
73 - Marco IK1ODO