Dear LF group,
I left my PC running last night to record the spectrum of the signal
on 136.0kHz. The attached image obtained using Spectrum Lab
shows a few hours from early this morning, which is
representative, but the spectrum changes slowly and continuously
all the time.
The signal is received as LSB, and to get the actual frequency
from the scale on the left,
f(actual) = 136800 - f(scale) (Hz), accurate to within 0.1Hz
I found a similar group of carriers clustered around 144kHz, but
other harmonics of 8kHz were too noisy at my QTH to get a
convincing picture.
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU
-------------- Enclosure number 1 ----------------
* This message contains the file '136_03.jpg', which has been
* uuencoded. If you are using Pegasus Mail, then you can use
* the browser's eXtract function to lift the original contents
* out to a file, otherwise you will have to extract the message
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