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Re: Re: LF: 183 carrier received in ZL

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Re: LF: 183 carrier received in ZL
From: "f1tay" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 19:33:11 -0000
References: <2886240.997900239608.JavaMail.computernetworks@gomailjtp01>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Je m'excuse de répondre en français mais mon anglais est très mauvais.
L'émetteur ondes longues d'Europe 1 est situé en Allemagne car de 1944 à
1981 les stations commerciales étaient interdite en France.
Toutes les stations commerciales françaises entre 1944 et 1981 émettaient
depuis les pays frontaliers (on les appelaient stations périphériques) :
Radio Andorre et Sud-Radio en ondes moyennes depuis la Principauté
Radio Luxembourg en ondes longues depuis le Luxembourg.
Europe 1 en ondes longues depuis l'Allemagne.
Seul Radio Monté-Carlo (station commerciale mais contrôlée à 100/100 par
l'état français) émettait en ondes courtes, moyennes et longues depuis la
France. Mais ceci était en théorie illégales.
Après 1981 et la réautorisation des stations privées en France Europe 1,
Sud-Radio, RMC et RTL possèdent des émetteurs FM en France.

Actuellement il y a 4 stations francophones en ondes longues en Europe:
France-Inter à Allouis (France)
Radio Monté-Carlo (RMC) à Roumoules (France)
Europe 1 en Allemagne
Radio Luxembourg (RTL) au Luxembourg.
Ces 4 stations ont des studios à Paris

En Afrique il existe deux stations francophones (également en arabe) en
ondes longues:
Radio Alger en Algérie
Médi 1 au Maroc

162 kHz  2000 kW  France-Inter   Allouis (France)
171 kHz  2000 kW  Médi 1  Nador (Maroc)
183 kHz  2000 kW  Europe1  Saarlouis (Allemagne)
218 kHz  1400 kW  R.M.C.   Roumoules (France)
234 kHz  2000 kW  R.T.L.   Junglinster
252 kHz  1500 kW  Alger chaîne 4   Tipaza (Algérie)

73 de Daniel

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Sexton" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 6:30 PM
Subject: Re: Re: LF: 183 carrier received in ZL

Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the correction.
You live and learn as they say!
The Lat and Long I gave are correct, but it is just across the border in
Germany, not France. Seems a rather curious arrangement?
73, John, G4CNN

-----Original Message-----
From: "f1tay"<[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Wed Aug 15 07:26:12 PDT 2001
Subject: Re: LF: 183 carrier received in ZL

>The TX  LW of Europe 1 is in Germany not in France.>The studio is at
Paris (France). Europe 1 is a french langage commerciale
>station created in 1955.
>Internet site on Europe 1 and France-Inter LW TX :
>73 de Daniel
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "John Sexton" <[email protected]>
>To: <[email protected]>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 10:09 AM
>Subject: Re: LF: 183 carrier received in ZL
>> Hi Bob,
>> It sounds as though you have found it. When this station is not
>there is no chance of receiving amateur transmissions from Europe.
>> Europe 1 is situated at Saarlouis, France 06E41/49N17.
>> This is a 2MW station and as you say does not conform to the 9 kHz
>for ITU 1. To achieve very high modulation depth, they compress the
>dynamic range of speech so that the sidebands are rather dense, but this
>not be observable.
>> There is an image of the modulation on my web site at:
>> 73, John, G4CNN
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "Vernall"<[email protected]>
>> To: [email protected]
>> Date: Tue Aug 14 14:53:56 PDT 2001
>> Subject: LF: 183 carrier received in ZL
>> >Hi all,>
>> >I report quite good reception of a 183 kHz carrier around ZL sunrise
>> >morning.  I presume it is the German broadcast station, as the
>> >relatively unique, not being on the 9 kHz raster of carrier
>> >LF AM broadcasting in ITU Region 1 (the standard frequencies are 181
>> >kHz for that part of the band).
>> >
>> >I have a series of 3 Argo captures, which show some deep fades, but at
>> >it is a very good "solid line" on Argo (30 second dot setting).
>> >
>> >I found the carrier frequency to be within 0.1 Hz of 183 kHz.  It
>> >good if a local amateur could confirm that the 183 carrier is very
>> >declared frequency.
>> >
>> >I was advised by Mike ZL4OL that sunrise/sunset times for mid August
>> >that the only dark path times for Germany to New Zealand are around ZL
>> >sunrise, and then for only tens of minutes.  183 carrier was received
>> >much longer than that, but did build up and then drop out either side
>> >time for a dark path.  Reception of 183 around ZL sunset has been nil,
>> >that is not surprising for current sunrise in Germany.
>> >
>> >There is perhaps a glimmer of hope for amateur QRP signals to make it
>> >between EU and ZL ????
>> >
>> >The ZL6QH trustee has made a request to the New Zealand licensing
>> >for the European 136 kHz band to be added to the existing low
>> >permit.
>> >
>> >73, Bob ZL2CA
>> >
>> >
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