I recorded ten minutes of Valerio's WOLF transmission last night and
eventually decoded his transmission: "TSTIK5ZPV" then six spaces.
The Good News: This was despite very loud QRN. He was running QRP. The
first recording worked fine.
The Bad News: Valerio was a good signal on QRSS, but it took me a very long
time (hours) to get anything out of his WOLF transmission. QRSS would have
been quicker!
If I had not previously discovered the sound card correction factor (-r) by
receiving Jim's huge signal, I would probably not have seen anything. There
are so many variables and seemingly no way to work out how to set them,
except by trial and error.
It would help if I knew what the read-out means. Looking at other people's
results doesn't give a clue either, as they are all different.
Jim, you said that Valerio was drifting slightly. Did you deduce this from
WOLF (if so, how?) or by looking at a spectrogram?
I am still convinced that this mode shows promise, but like Brian, CT1DRP, I
do not feel I know what I am doing. Trial and error does not give the same
satisfaction as fine tuning something from a position of knowledge.
Lastly to Brian. How did you copy and paste the read-out into an e-mail? It's a
very long time since I used a DOS-like program and have forgotten this
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)