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LF: qso

To: "rsgb rsgb" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: qso
From: "gii3kev" <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 18:09:53 +0100
Organization: Netscape Online member
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hi John
Thanks for the nice cw qso this morning on 7 mhz. Your 50 watt tx was
doing well at this late hour this morning 0930 local time. I worked a
few JA stns last evening and seemed to be the only EU station
working/hearing them.
The antenna is a horiz 80m doublet up at 70 ft for general hf use and
uses home made open wire feed/tuner.
I have not been on 136 khz for some time, recently moved qth for more
antenna space, with acres of room for long wires but sag could be my new
problem hi.
Your high speed cw was excellent, unfortunately the majority of cw on LF
is very poor, WOLF and WOBBLE seem popular !!!!!!!!!!!
Hope to qso again soon and maybe 136 on normal cw one of these days.

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