At 02:51 PM 3/10/01 +0100, Ko Versteeg wrote:
Has anyone ever tried products from Lf Engineering USA?
Found at:
Reason for this is they have not been answering my
messages for 2 weeks... One year ago they DID answer.
Do they still excist or is it an abandoned website
that's left, just like many other sites ?
73 de Ko, NL9222
LF Engineering makes excellent products for the Lowfer community and is
by Sal DeFransico, who once operated a beacon himself. I have purchased several
products from them in recent months, but do find them very slow to respond to
e-mail...often two or three weeks would pass. Quicker response will come via
snail mail.
Les Rayburn, N1LF
4919 Cox Cove
Helena, AL 35080
XMGR 184.900khz
1LF 187.300khz