Hi group,
Apropos DBF39 non-phase-coherence:
Reminds me of an issue which has been brought up here about the possibility
of very narrowband-detection of the carrier-component of (higher data rate)
CW and DFCW.
- To preserve the phase during normal-CW key up, you simply have to leave
your (stable) oscillator running, including frequency dividers (!).
Multipliers and the m-dividers of a m/n-PLL can be blanked though.
- For DFCW with a single oscillator, the phase difference accumulated during
each frequency-switching period has to be an integer multiple of 360°. This
can be achieved by choosing the symbol length (eg. 4 s) and the frequency
shift (eg. 4 Hz) such that their product becomes an integer number (16).
73s de Markus, DF6NM