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LF: Cross-band

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Cross-band
From: "g3ldo" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 01:11:46 -0000
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Just completed a QRSS cross-band QSO with VE1ZZ (0030z on 21/2/01). He was
on his usual frequency of 136.5kHz with 3s dots and I was on 3512kHz. LF
conditions were poor and although we started at 2200 we had to wait for over
two hours for the conditions to improve.
I used my LF antenna on 80m, which puts a 599 signal into VE. A G3LNP loop
was used for receiving.

To encourage Jack to be more active and have more QSOs I have asked him to
transmit more regularly and to listen on 3512kHz. He will be transmitting
just his call but if he hears anyone he will transmit their call with a
report. At the moment he is using the RST system but we might ask him to
change to something else.

Peter, G3LDO

<[email protected]>

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