Hi Alberto, Can you please send me Spectrum plot of Greek station
. The plot should start at 135.6 kHz and end at 136.0 kHz .
I am most interested in comparison of 135.7-135.8 segment with
the 135.9 -136.0 segment .
73 de John VE1ZJ
Alberto di Bene wrote:
john sexton wrote:
Hi All,
I find the noise spectrum of this station to have the following structure:
135.670 - 135.678 very dense
135.678 - 135.75 density reduces to almost nothing ?
135.75 - 135.767 density again increases
135.767 - 135.775 very dense
Here is how that portion of the spectrum looks like here in Italy.
The RX was tuned to 135 kHz, so what you read on the scale
is the offset.
73 Alberto I2PHD
