ko versteeg schrieb:
Hi Uwe..
You won't see the difference but i changed the code a bit,
checked later on and according to the .txt i send along it has no more
I don'tcall it errors but what else name is there to use hihi..
I have been on html for the last 5 years and it's hard to keep up with
all the new standards, so i allways take the road in the midlle..
Let me know if you need the programs, i can send you a cd
with Html Validator and all the other programs i use.
I understand you just retired so perhaps it's fun
to experiment sometime..
73 de Ko, NL9222
Hi Ko,
tks fer all,
BTW. I´m retired from my original profession, that`s correct. but I`m still on
duty as mayor in my village (some more than 2000 inhabitants).
so I`m vy glad having some help in hobby cases.
that means, dr Ko, it would be fine, sending me the offered programs.
I really need them !
vy rgrds