In a message dated 1/27/01 7:23:00 PM GMT Standard Time, [email protected]
<< > I too like the team approach and would be happy to co-operate.
> It would be intresting to check the EIRP of the Amberley antenna,
> particularly in the NW direction.I could bring my portable field strength
> gear along some time. We would not need to run very high power, I get
> useable signals at 3Km with only 1 amp into my ant here (ie 70mw ERP)
Thank you for your offer. I would be very interested in finding out what the
signal strength distribution is from the 'hole-in-the-ground' QTH of GB2CPM.
At the moment I need to do some more antenna impedance checks to find a
better way of feeding it. I will keep you informed.
Hi Chaps.
For info: There was an interesting article on buried dioples used in the USA
for communication with aircraft in the event of a nuclear war. (QEX)
Thinking this couln't possibly work I built a scale model on HF but kept it
100mm above the ground.
Surprisingly, it worked. The length was shortened by 30% due to ground
proximity and the poor YO station I worked thought I was completly mad when I
sent "ANT IS DIPOLE 100mm AGL"
So, if you have enough space and a lot of garden canes you'll 'only' need
700m for a self resonant diople.