IK1ODO wrote:
we have to investigate why the noise suddenly drops around 7 a.m., but
not always ... ? I presumed the cause was the street lights, but the
timing is different.
I agree that this effect appears to be one of the reasons that a
transatlantic QSO using 30s dots is unlikely. For this to happen, a
good S/N must be available for several hours.
Perhaps it would help if several people reported exactly when their
noise went off at dawn on one particular day, perhaps this coming
Most of us are assuming that it is caused by something local, such
as street lights or neighbours' SMPSUs in 'off' mode. A coordinated
test will show whether the effect is random, or related to a specific
time in UTC, or related to local sunrise (propagation based effect).
Mike, G3XDV (IO91VT)