I have very recently downloaded Spectran, and am very impressed.
Plainly there are improvements to be made and I only have the
Beta version, but it appears to be just as sensitive as Spectrogram
whilst also being able to handle much slower speeds.
A really good facility is being able to adjust the settings whilst it is
running. Spectrogram must be stopped before anything is adjusted,
whilst with Spectran you can compare 'before' and 'after' side by
side on the screen. A particularly useful control is the input level
which can easily be optimised with the display running. I also like
being able to switch between the vertical scrolling - difficult to read
but monitors some 150Hz of band - and the Spectrogram-like
horizontal display.
The main disadvantage is its speed varying with other applicatiions
running on the computer as one of the great things about QRSs is
that you can multi-task - I once had a QSO during which I drove my
wife to the shops and back, and didn't miss a single dot.
Nice one, guys. Thanks.