I think that Uli, as several other DL's, is a victim of the 'Rhein-Main
Syndrome' : due the the high concentration of high-power LF stations in
that area the noiselevel seems to be extremely high and even the best
receivers seem to suffer from IM. I noticed the same with DL3FDO, DJ1RL,
DF2PY etc..
To make it worse (for the others) groundconductivity etc. seems to be very
favorable,so they put put strong LF signal (and maybe for the same reason
many commercial LF stations are in that area).
73, Rik
At 11:23 2/04/00 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Tony and All,
DJ9IE is certainly putting out a good signal, but he seems to have great
difficulty in hearing any of the numerous responses.
He has been on calling CQ most of this week using what sounds like an
automatic keyer or perhaps just a very good fist.
This morning he was calling CQ around 08.45 and I heard Bob, G8RW, return
his call about 09.00 local time. They did manage a QSO mostly because of
Bob's persistence, but Uli only gave him 3,2,9, whereas Bob gave Uli 5,8,9.
He was a good 5,7,9 here with me in Reading.
It would be interesting to know why the lack of reciprocity - perhaps Uli is
using a different Antenna for receive?
John, G4CNN, IO91ML
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