Dear LF Group,
Thanks for all the 73kHz listener reports and the Spectrogram
images. Glad to see that G3NYK has finally received some signals
on the band! Worked G3XDV with normal CW on Friday night and
Saturday morning, and G3XTZ using QRSS, although could easily
have had a normal CW QSO with Graham, at least at my end. Also
(just about) heard G3YXM sending normal CW at about 1900 on
Friday - Dave appeared to be sending a beacon signal with his
callsign & phone number, but was well down in the noise, and since
he is closer to Rugby than me, I don't think a QSO would have
been possible. QRSS would have been no problem though. Also
saw another weak signal that appeared to be normal CW, and was
slowly drifting down in frequency, but could not identify it.
Was sorry to miss out on the cross-band action; my E-mail
account is at work, so I didn't get to hear about it until this morning.
Congratulations to those who took part - looks like 73kHz might still
have some excitements in store! I think I could set up my station to
do 73/136 cross-band fairly quickly, so if anyone would like a go,
let me know.
Am also testing my new power amp for both LF bands. I have gone
for a linear, based very loosely on G0MRF's design, mainly so I
could make use of my existing VFO and keying circuit without
modification. It seems to achieve 3-400W ouput with a reasonable
temperature rise, which should add several dB to my transmit
I will give 73kHz a try tomorrow morning, in the hope that the Rugby
TX will be off the air for maintenance again. I will see if I can get
set up for cross - band operation by then also, time permitting.
Cheers, Jim Moritz
73 de M0BMU