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LF: Signal Strength Measurements by OH2LX

Subject: LF: Signal Strength Measurements by OH2LX
From: Väinö Lehtoranta <>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 10:34:22 +0200
Sender: <>
Measurements of UK Decca's and some other stations :
Day ------------------   09Feb  10Feb  12Feb  13Feb  14Feb
Time, UTC ------------   2240-  2140-  2140-  2145-  2200-
kHz    Ch   *d,km  AZI*     *Indicated ESH2 input, dBmW*
127.8 (6C),  1435, 280,   -107   -111   -107   -102   -103
126.7 (2A),  1565, 269,   -106   -115   -106   -105   -105
128.5 (8E), 1766, 276, -104 -113 -103 -105 -110 ----------------------------------------------------------
127.0 (3B),  1871, 257,   -121   -113   -114   -108   -118
127.5 (5B),  1890, 247,   -102   -107   -106   -113   -112
128.2 (7D),  2060, 267,   -115   -119   -118   -117   -119
126.4 (1B),  2282, 253,   -112   -119   -115   -115   -122
kHz    Ch   *d,km  AZI*     *Indicated ESH2 input, dBmW*
128.93 ref,  1553, 228,    -78    -82    -80    -84    -82
138.83 ref   1221, 226,    -85    -82    -80    -85    -82
135.8  SXV   2490, 182,   -111   -105   -107   -105   -104
137.0  CFH*  5750, 295,   -126   -130   -126   -127   -129
*  Record *S* for CFH: 13Feb, 2208z = 119 dBuW
OH3LYG 120, 333, -107 -104 ---------------------------------------------------------- OH1BS 161, 268, -113 -114 ----------------------------------------------------------
10Feb 2113:  SM6PXJ  -124  (d=630km)
10Feb 2113:  OH1BS   -121  (d=161km)
12Feb 2121:  OZ5NJ   -128  (d=885km)
13Feb 2210:  G3LDO   -130  (d=1908km)
14Feb 2226:  I5MXX   -126  (d=2200??km)  Give your LOC's!!
(R&S ESH2/---- 10m coax---/1:10/---15m wire-----):
Noise level with antenna: with 200Hz IF BandWidth: -24..-22 dB(uV), -131..-129dBmW (varies w qrm etc)
End of message of 15 Feb 2000, 0840 UTC, from OH2LX

V.K.Lehtoranta, OH2LX, POBox 50, FIN-05401 Jokela, Finland
------ Tel: +358-9-4173965 ---- Fax: +358-9-4173961 ------
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