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LF: Re: 73kHz tests and QSOs

To: [email protected]
Subject: LF: Re: 73kHz tests and QSOs
From: "Peter Dodd" <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2000 12:47:07 GMT
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
I set up my LF satation for 73kHz although not expecting very much after what Dave G3YMC said:

Don't all get too excited about the prospect of Rugby being off Tuesday.
The 60kHz transmitter is indeed often off on the first Tuesday, but normally
not until at least 10am

However, checked the band at around 2100 on 31/1 and heard G3XTZ loud and clear in spite of the growler.
At 2125 we exchanged reports, his 579, mine 569.

This morning at 0840 the growler went off and I worked G3YXM 579 both ways

G2AJV was in beacon mode with a 559 signal.

Tail ended the QSO between between G3YXM and M0BMU. Worked M0BMU, my RST 569, his 559 During this QSO the noise level came up just after Jim had given me my report and I was not able to tell when he passed it back. I carried on listening - then the noise went off and I heard M0BMU asking were was I. I went back and we finished the QSO. - congratulations on your efforts on this band Jim.

I though the noise, which nearly scuppered the QSO was local but it turned out to be the maintenance guys on the 'Growler' winding the power up and down. This enabled me to make some tests using Gram while monitoring the G2AJV signal. When the growler was off G2AJV was Q5 about 3 to 4dB above the noise. When the growler came on G2AJV was inaudible but a clear signal on Gram (on a fairly wide bandwidth setting). Before this test I was of the opinion that the noise from the sideband noise from the growler contributed 3 or 4dB to the noise floor at the bottom of the band and at this distance from the growler transmitter. Measurements this morning indicate that the additional noise is more like 6 to 9dB, far worse than I though. It must be hell in the midlands! It does explain why the QSO with GD0MRF was not as plain sailing as I thought it would be.

Regards, Peter, G3LDO

<[email protected]>

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