Hi Christer.
I am new to this group, and listening/watching
73Khz and 137Khz (CW, C-Bpsk) for 5 days now..
I received your signal thuesday night 21:15z
on 136.87 (have no more digits) and rst 588.
Seen CQ 3 times
As i mentioned, i am new and have only heard
G, DK, OH, ON, SM, PA sofar in my first week.
Qth is Mijdrecht, approx in JO22KI.
(20km south of Amsterdam)
More later, like my setup or more reports.
73 de Ko, NL9222.
(WANTED: PRECISE grid square info for this qth)
From: Christer Andersson <[email protected]>
To: RSGB LF group <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: 137,0
Date: Wednesday, January 05, 2000 7:40 PM
Hello All,
I believe most of the LF guys have a rotary loop antenna. Couldn't we make
some observations on the direction of the unknown signal and then compare
the results? Or is the signal too weak?
By the way, I have applied for license to transmit between 7-8,5 kHz and
today I received a letter from the authorities where they asked me for more
information such as the exact location for the transmitter.
So it seems rather promising I think.