The January 2000 edition of the 'Computer Shopper' has an interesting
article by Mike Bedford, G4AAE, on the Search for Extraterrestial
Intelligence (SETI). This is one of the best written and informative
articles I have seen on the subject.
The reason I mention the subject on the reflector is not that I
expect LGM to come up on the Ropex frequency but to find out more
about the software used to process the data collected in the search.
One of the illustrations shows a 3-dimensional spectrogam with a
frequency resolution of 0.074506Hz
Any one elso know about this stuff?
Another pic shows a GPS satellite signal displayed on FFT4 with
Doppler shift moving the signal two thirds across the screen on the
widest frequency screen.
Regards, Peter, G3LDO
<[email protected]>