Hello All.
Next week I will be spending some time in Malaga and Gibraltar, including
operating HF from a friendly hotel in Gibraltar during CQWW on the 30/31.
As the CQWW log will end up on a laptop I'm planning to spend some time
listening on 137kHz using Spectrogram.
It looks like the path from ZB2 or EA7 to Italy is about 1500km and around
2000km to the UK / Western Europe.
Would anyone like to arrange a short period of transmitting during my stay to
give me something to listen for?
It occurs to me that a great many of us are able to hear Reino over similar
distances, and that recently there has been a great deal of debate over
enhanced propagation at various times, as well as discussion about East /
West and North South paths.
The best days would be early Monday morning while I'm still in ZB2 or Tue
/Wed 2nd -3rd, when I'll be back at Malaga.
During my time in ZB2 I'll be meeting the local operators and the licensing
authority. With luck, the next time I'm there, perhaps I'll be able to take
the transmitter.
David G0MRF