September 11, 1999
Dave, G3YXM and I completed the first G/DL QSO in PSK31. Received reception
reports and screen-shots of my PSK31 transmissions from PA3BSH and DF3LP.
Those screenshot and more details can be found on my homepage
September 12, 1999
A nice Sunday: the weather was fine and the LF band full of new stations.
Worked two new countries, OK1FIG (-117 dBu) and OZ5N (-113 dBu), and two
new stations, DK1IS (QRSS) and DK9DX (-120 dBu). Got an e-mail from Heinz,
OE5EEP/5, who heard me and called me in vain ... sorry Heinz, I did not
hear anything, we will keep trying! Saw G3XDV calling cq in QRSS with a
steady, good readable signal After my QSO with Wil, DK9DX I was called by
someone, but was unable to read anything. So, who called me that time?
Thanks for all the reports and e-mails,
best 73
Geri, DK8KW (W1KW)