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Re: LF: New LF broadcast transmitter at Kootwijk?

Subject: Re: LF: New LF broadcast transmitter at Kootwijk?
From: "Hans-Joachim Brandt" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 19:55:48 +0200
References: <000501beec8e$90129280$4a97b38f@w8k3f0>
Sender: <>
Hi all,

I do not know what kind of LF equipment is still existing at Kootwijk but the following news may be of interest to all LF fans:
Dick Rollema schrieb:
Today even less than before as the only thing that is of
 interest to KPN is making money. And to preserve a station like Kootwijk or
 SAQ only costs money.
On an recent trip to the Netherlands (nr Groningen) I have read in a PTT 
brochure that plans are underway for a new longwave transmitter at Kootwijk, but 
EMC problems were also foreseen for this area. Further investigations revealed 
the idea to operate a broadcast longwave transmitter at Kootwijk and have the 
programme compiled by a company in the U.K., aiming at listeners in the U.K. 


73 Ha-Jo, DJ1ZB

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