Hi Lowfers !
Concerning DCF 39, Geri wrote he has it with s9 plus 44 db ,at my front end it
measures s 9 plus 35 db,meter calibrated at 50 microvolts for s9.
I think this might be very close,as Geri is closer to that particular one.
Last days i used my vacation to roll out more chicken wire and improved the
crystal filter by 3 dbs less insertion loss.I was looking for Petr,but so far
nil on fast-cw.With great interest i follow the efforts with rx-sensitivity and
selectivity etc. as that seems to be a problem in my HF-battered location ( at
least LF-wise ) .Nice to hear that Finbar could copy me-hopefully a qso may
follow soon!
good dx and see u on LF ! 73 de df2py