Hi Dave !
That is an interesting aspect to detune tx antenna while rx-ing.I need to try
that,because sometimes my noisefloor is very high.The three big lf-transmitters
in my neighbourhood are giving me the creeps.
The loop is ready and i need to build a different preamp for it-had a
conventional 3 stage bipolar,but want to change to dual gate mosfet.
Yesterday the mixer unit in my tx died,so i lost most of the activity
time.Additional factor is that i receive with the ts 940 at the moment which is
much poorer than the ft 1000 d.
I decided to not further improve the tx antenna as most people seem to hear me
The only fear is,that there might be a certain limitation as to where i can
lower my background noise,due to the proximity of the LF broadcast !!
Peter (SK) was always complaining about the same in his location.
Anyways i`ll do my best.
73 and good dx to everyone de df2py