Hello all,
in QTH JN68GN, 120 km ENE of Munich, wx has been overcast and rainy, and band
condx were rather quiet, with occasional crashes only.
Worked HB9ASB 06.48 to 06.59 UTC, received 449, sent 549. Toni also considered
the band quiet and condx good.
DF9SD (from the Stuttgart area) was beaconing on 137.6 kHz.
Around 08.18 UTC could pick up the cq call of G3YXM on 136.6 kHz RST 339 QSB.
DF0WD called G3YXM but no reply.
Heard DF2PY around 08.14 UTC RST 569, and from 08.22 UTC copied his QSO with
DF0WD RST 439. After this I tried to contact him but no reply.
From 08.33 UTC onward copied the qso between DF0WD (RST 439, Wolf, QTH Spenge,
[NW of Bielefeld] JO42FD, 20 W out, 250 m LW ant) and DJ5BL (RST 339, Jupp, QTH
Jo4?QL [probably JO41QL, this would mean north of Kassel]).
At 09.34 UTC I have replied to a cq call by DF0WD and raised a QRZ? but he could
not copy the signal calling him.
DF0WD has been heard once more at 11.05 UTC but at that time the QRN level had
inceased noticeably.
All this gives the impression that I should find ways to increase my ERP by two
S numbers -
This reminds me of a report of DJ1HG, now living in Munich, who had been an army
operator in the second world war. With a 1.5 kW LF transmitter there had been no
problems keeping CW contact between Hungary and Berlin. Unfortunately he cannot
give any details about the aerial and ground system of his army station in
Hungary, at that time obviously having been a pure operator.
Tomorrow I will not be on the air - family event (christening of my second
73 Ha-Jo, DJ1ZB