Hello LowFers.
This weekend I proved one old truth. ANTENNA is the best amplifier. I made inverted L
ant, where the vertical part was 21 m, the horizontal part is 32 m, most of horizontal
part is in height 15 m above ground. Ant is stretched up to a high slope, so it is
actually someting between inv L and a vertical ant. I tuned and matched this antenna with
home-made variometer and some big coils. I was surprised. Signals came up few tens of
dBs. Ground noise moves S-meter around S1 even during day, RTTY stn from Greece peaks S9
+ 10 dB in night, DBF39 is all the time above S9 + 40dB. Now I feel no need to make any
preselector, preamlifier or anything. IC-751A seems to manage theese signals. My
listening was interrupted by heating in stoves and by ice hockey championship (hi...).
This is the log here (reports given "by ear", not by S-meter):
15.5. 1320 136.9 DF2PQ 549 QRN, cq cq... (callsign perhaps wrong)
1645 136.8 DF2PY 589 cq cq...
1757 136.2 OZ1KMR 579 cq cq...
1950 136.8 IK5ZPV 559 QSX 1837, gave JN53KX name VALT
16.5. 0610 136.9 DF2PY 589 worked DJ5BV gave 569 op WOLF, qth nr BINGEN
52 137.1 DJ7RD 529 cq cq...
0735 136.9 I5MXX 529 cq cq...
0811 136.7 DF2PY 569 cq cq...
The strongest signal was from DF2PY. Sometimes it seemed to me that he is on
80m band, not on 2 km. For one of the next weekends I prepare even longer ant,
better ATU and I try to get 136 kHz signal from my tcvr. I believe that it must
be present somewhere around first mixer. Only to tap the right point to have
signal for PA.
73 Petr, OK1FIG