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LF: Re: Further signals measured (2nd version)

To: "LF Group" <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Re: Further signals measured (2nd version)
From: "Dave" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 16:05:23 +0100
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Geri etc.

It could be true, Graham's aerial is higher than mine but his top loading
comes down inverted V fashion which drastically lowers the average height.
The RF power is about the same.
By the calculations, the best erp I could be radiating is 1W but my house is
under the aerial so it will be less.
Probably the most significant difference is that Graham is on the West of
London and his signal is launched across the city skyline in your direction
whereas my take-off to the South East is good. So even if the calculated erp
of two stations is the same we have to consider the surrounding terrain?

73, Dave G3YXM

G3XTZ, distance to my qth 732 km:       -121 dBm(75 Ohm)
G3YXM, distance to my qth 826 km:       -119 dBm (75 Ohm).

So, G3YXM, despite the fact that he is further away, has a signal that is 2
dB stonger than G3XTZ.

BTW: I found the source of the CCIR curves (you have to pay 35.- CH-Francs
to download them). According to a curve for medium dry ground (is the UK
soil medium dry?) the difference in field strength between 826 and 732 km
is around 3 dB, this would mean that G3YXM has an ERP that is 5 dB more
than G3XTZ. True or not?

Vy 73

Geri, DK8KW (W1KW)

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