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Re: LF: AF-filters and CW versus SlowCW

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: LF: AF-filters and CW versus SlowCW
From: "Peter W. Schnoor" <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 01 Apr 1999 23:10:33 +0200
Organization: University of Kiel, Clinic of Nephrology
References: <[email protected]> <[email protected]>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: <[email protected]>
Hello Gang,

M. Bruno wrote:

I agree. The 3 sec time is optimal with white noise QRN or short
'cracks', but many time I would have preferred to have 6 or 10 seconds
when receiving with Lux or heavy statics.

Agreed. I found that 4-5 sec. with increased gaps (a little
bit) often is easier to "decode" with my FFT application
(SPECGRAM2 compiled for LINUX, console and X).

My personal preference is to have no smoothing, and use 300 msec dwell
time. My eye-brain SW likes to do the smoothing by itself ...  ;-)

I don't know what "dwell" really means in this topic but I
think it's the time of data collection and folding/averaging
in background. What means "smoothing"? In time or frequency
domain? If it means "data windowing" the WELCH algorithm
outperforms the other (Rectangular, Gaussian, Parzen,
Hanning, etc.) since it does not "smear" too much,
especially in case of LORAN-C background.
My loading coil is restored, I'm QRV for the weekend.

Fine! Hope to meet you this weekend, may be in "normal" CW

Until now I did not hear any signal from Sweden. May be a
"1st of April" joke? But there are some strong carriers
tuning at different frequencies.

Heard I5MXX (?) this evening *very* weak in "normal" CW.

54°16'N / 10°04'E, JO54ag
73 es gl de Peter, DF3LP

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