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Total 2 documents matching your query.

1. LF: Receivers (score: 1)
Author: "J. Alan Lowe" <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 11:07:29 +0100
Hello Mike, I confirm Laurence's (KL1X) view of 1 June 2004 that the Yaesu FRG100 is very good on LF. See the extract below. However, the noise blanker is not very effective. There is an optional 250
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2004-07/msg00098.html (10,035 bytes)

2. Re: LF: The bells, the bells! (score: 1)
Author: "J. Alan Lowe" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 19:27:11 +0000
Hi Andy and Steve, You can listen to a simulation of "The Bells" (HiFix) from the following web page. Click on the "Click Here" link about two thirds of the way down the page. The site describes this
/rsgb_lf_group-archives/html/rsgb_lf_group/2006-01/msg00109.html (13,777 bytes)

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