Several of us did exactly this last year (SSTV on 600m). The WE2XGR license (505-515kHz) 200W ERP can run practically any data modes as well as ssb. By staying above 510kHz we avoided causing QRM to
Tom, The Luxembourg effect has nothing to do with crystal sets! The Luxembourg effect is when a very high power transmitter causes non-linearity in the ionosphere resulting in mixing of different rad
Thanks Henny and Victor for the captures and thanks Lubos for monitoring. The HT power supply failed last night so I will be on with low power until I fix the supply. -- 73 Warren K2ORS WD2XGJ WD2XSH
Dennis, Europe 1 is off the air from 0000 to 01:30 UTC each night, that is when the low power 184kHz beacon from VO1NA can be copied. Iceland on 189kHz is very strong here most nights on the Northeas
Jean-Pierre, Lubos, Victor, Thank you for the captures, reports and comments! But WD2XGJ is running the low power TX only! WD2XGJ at 250 watts (maybe a little less!) Very good band conditions! -- 73
Thanks to Henny, Lubos, Victor, Markus, Jean-Pierre, Dmitry, and Laurence for the reports, captures, and grabbers! -- 73 Warren K2ORS WD2XGJ WD2XSH/23 WE2XEB/2 WE2XGR/1 2009/1/6 henny van elst <cpm@p
Jim, Very nice for a TRF! Iceland is good here too, playing pop tunes in english at 00:35. RX Cubic 3280dsp Ant 2-turn K9AY (copied from F1AFJ's K9AY) -- 73 Warren K2ORS WD2XGJ WD2XSH/23 WE2XEB/2 WE2
Jean-Pierre, Thank you for the report! Only QRP power now, No time to fix the power supply for the big TX. -- 73 Warren K2ORS WD2XGJ WD2XSH/23 WE2XEB/2 WE2XGR/1
Jim, It is the founder's dream to restore 500kHz as a maritime cw traffic frequency. Most likely, it will be contact other similarly licensed 'coastal stations' and perhaps some 'museum' ships. At th