Another good reason to use a combiner is to preserve impedance matching. Running two amplifiers in direct parallel connection will not maximize the available power. It can also reduce the risk of dam
The wire you run to the well will be more effective than the well itself. For RF grounding, depth is no advantage. You want the return current to have as low a resistance path as possible near the su
Hello Uwe, This procedure basically measures ground rod effectiveness more than the soil conductivity, although fairly good conductivity can be inferred from the result. If you are trying to measure
Hmm, I can't quite tell by looking. Highly unlikely to be a LORAN line at that frequency any more. On the other hand, 1705 is the upper limit for license-free operation, so if it's a MedFER, someone
Excellent description, John! And a rather slow disco DJ, at that. Here, I believe the frequency span was roughly 1700 to 1900. One could often hear them with an AM broadcast receiver, and 160m was l
In a message dated 1/18/2006 11:05:39 AM Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes: Perhaps it should be put on one of the websites since this reflector won't pass attachments. We would be glad
Well, I hadn't associated the name Kahn with EER that closely since the Sixties. :) It was important to a lot of their "compatible SSB" work, but I don't think they deserve enough of the credit for t
Thanks, Nigel. I hadn't thought about WinZip's extra abilities to recognize and extract the content of files beyond the usual PKZip format. It isn't on this machine yet, but soon will be. John
Actually, it's a propagation problem. Some mail systems don't like to handle multiple attachments, and enclosed them in a Zip file. Usually this works fine. Unfortunately, there's something about the
I'm sorry, Dick, it still doesn;t seem to be working. Can you save the files in some generally usable format such as GIF or PNG and then send them? John
Dick, Could you send that diagram directly, please? AOL cannot handle multiple file attachments. What I got was a zipped version containing two cryptic MIME files. Thanks. John Davis
The control circuitry for an alternator transmitter takes into account that the drive motor needs to receive more power during key down than during key up condition. The key not only drives the magne
This would be a good quick test in the absence of instrumentation. An UV photometer is not inexpensive. However, I would still not overlook better shielding for the transmitter. To date I have not s