I plan to do a VLF-transmission tomorrow starting at approx. 8z. [...] Gerhard, and other VLF-transmitting OMs: next time, pse give us a few days to prepare VY 73 Jacek / SQ5BPF
BTW The company I work for, still has of a wirelesstation in the showroom from those days (1916). A Telefunken spark transmitter working on both 300m & 600m. PSE QSO :) VY 73 Jacek / SQ5BPF
Hello all There is a CEPT ERC Report 25 at: http://www.erodocdb.dk/Docs/doc98/official/pdf/ERCREP025.PDF You will notice that radio now starts with 8.3kHz, and not 9kHz like in the previous documents
if it's drifting, then it might drift onto an NDB frequency. and that would be an aviation hazard. look for local NDB's near this frequency. if none is found, then maybe you could say that it might d
Calling CQ on 472.2kHz now, until 22:30 UTC (maybe longer). Unfortunately the conditions seem really bad, but it's worth a try. A new band is like a new toy :) VY 73 Jacek / SQ5BPF
Hello MFers, On February 17 23:00 UTC Poland gets privileges on 630m. Please look out for us on MF, so that we can all get our firsts. There should be a few stations active, and I'm sure most will ad
Calling CQ on 472.2kHz now, until 22:30 UTC (maybe longer). [...] Nw qrt. Tnx Gunnar SM6BGP (probably first SM-SP), Italo I2BBJ and Jan PA3ABK (probably first PA-SP). 630m is such a fun band, even d
Tnx jacek for the early evening QSO yesterday. Steady signal 569 again at 1939 utc Tnx qso Mal, you're a great cw op and have a great rx setup if you can hear my qrp signal 1400km away! There are act
I've published my IC735 modifications for 630m here: http://lipkowski.org/~sq5bpf/ic735_630m_mod.pdf This is a perliminary version of the document, any comments are welcome. VY 73 Jacek / SQ5BPF
Guess that's not BIA but a goddamn RTTY transmitter, forgotten somewhere in the eastern woods, with the operator being so poor he cannot even affort crystals for frequency control. maybe some ndb som
Stefan, Maybe use a linux platform? Like a raspberry pi, or an old HP thinclient (you can get them very cheap from auction sites). Under linux you can connect any sound card that satisfies your requi
Jacek/SQ5PDF, at abt 2118UTC the resonance of the ant jumped from 8970Hz to 10300Hz because of a short cut in one of the coils. I have to find and fix it. Thanks for providing a test signal. Unfortu
Thanks to the the archives kindly donated by Dave G3YXM and Markus DF6NM we now have an archive of 20 years of radioamateur longwave history at the klubnl.pl site: https://klubnl.pl/rsgb_lf_group-arc
At DL0AO, we got ".L" from the E-field probe and "RR" from the western cardioid. But neither one looks like a strong and reliable decode. both are bad decodes unfortunately. VY 73 Jacek / SQ5BPF
BTW we've also sent a carrier at 8270.005 Hz from 11:30 to 4:00 UTC. This can be seen on Paul's excellent grabber:
I've tried a lot of antenna mixing but did not get better spectrum peaks that 10.5 dB SNR, so it is quite weak. Best decoder result was 'AV' at rank 70. The transmitted message was: SP I'm waiting fo