I think that TV stations may also sync their signals so that when propagation is good the interfering signals don't "roll' through one another. I can remember in the early days of TV here in the stat
I wonder it they might have been concerned about outside conditions effecting their very hiQ coils (things like rain and/or snow on the roof etc.) and may have decided to live with the loss of radiat
Oooops -- another little language problem as we converse across the pond. Here is the states Paraffin is generally considered to be the hard waxy kind of stuff -- typically sold in food stores to use
I seem to recall that the old timers (I'm one myself now) used to boil dry wood in paraffin to make insulators for open wire feeders. I think this makes sense. But, of course, if it did catch fire I
First I have to correct my spelling. It's View Graph, which is a US trade name for the transparent slides that are used in business meeting presentations -- they can be made on a copy machine or a la
For the benefit of a poor yank who only speaks one language and wished he could speak several, what's the literal translation of "steckdose"? I am always looking for derogatory names for non tinkers
I couldn't agree with you more regarding re-inventing things. I think that there are a lot of roads that were investigated and abandon as dead ends years ago -- and with today's technology they can b
I always thought that was a standard method of demodulating phase information..... I am working on this round thing that can be used to reduce friction rather than simply dragging things across the g
Great Idea, I have been thinking along the same lines. There are programs that allow the PC clock to be set within about a second to National Standards using the internet. The PC clock could be set a
Do a web search on Potato Cannons. They can be inexpensively made from PVC pipe and fueled with propane from a hand torch. They will throw a 2" diameter hunk of potato several hundred feet. They are
Surgical Rubber Tubing seems to work good and is what the commercial "sling shots" use here in the states. Rye K9LCJ How about a cross bow, that might be even better. The cannon seems more popular in
It could be a GE transorb which was a kind of a voltage limiter that was made by GE about 25 years ago -- it either is a MOV (Metal Oxide Varistor) or acts like one. I do know that they were red and