Hello Clemens, Thank you for your comments. Yes, VLF reception with this antenna is great. I can listen to the ALPHA stations in SSB mode and enjoy the choir! 73, Roelof, PAoRDT
Hello John, Conditions have been raving the last month and still do. On July 17, I logged 34 Canadian NDB's by aural copy and managed to find three new ones. Conditions are more like winter at low su
Hello Graham, An other good receiver is the ELAD FDM-S2 SDR, albeit a bit more costly than the Afedri. I believe you can set up four receivers with the software. Hartmut from Germany uses one for mon
Hello Clemens, E.g., if your FFT is set to a bin width of say 5Hz and a carrier lies 20dB over the DANL (displayed average noise level) it will have a SNR of zero dB in a 500Hz "IF"-bandwidth and the
Hello all, Against all odds, I am pleased to report reception of WG2XJM on WPSR 630m. 2014-09-27 03:28 WG2XJM 0.475775 -27 0 EN91wr +40 10.000 PA0RDT JO11tm 6131 3810 2014-09-27 02:44 WG2XJM 0.475775
Hello Stefan, I came across this paper: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19940020710.pdf It might be of interest for your ELF endeavor! 73, Roelof Bakker, PAoRDT
Hello all, VOCM on 590 kHz has been arm chair copy in the past around my local sunrise. I have been monitoring reception of Canadian NDB's every night for years now and I am sorry to say that propaga
Hello Mike, Sorry for the question, but what is Joe's transmitting frequency. I should like to look for it on my overnight spectrum recording. Thank you in advance. 73, Roelof, PAoRDT
Hello Joe, T/A propagation has been poor lately and last night was no exception. The only NDB from Newfoundland I heard was AY-356, St. Anthony and very weak at that! When conditions are good, I can
Hello Alan, Propagation above 200 kHz has been rather poor the last month. As soon as the band starts to recover, another blast from the sun fills the glass to the rim once more, so to speak. In my e
Hello Joe, Your signal was much better than the night before and peaked around 01:20 UTC. I made an Audacity recording, which has not been processed. So, this is exactly how it sounds in my headphone
Hello all, For those interested, MSF on 60 kHz is off at the moment from 10:00 till 16:00 UTC. The same is planned for tomorrow. I can hear another time stations on channel. I wonder if it is JJY-60
Hello Graham, The software was very easy to set up. The only problem was that I had not yet installed VSPE, due to lack of use for it. Once VSPE was running Opera went very smooth. One question: I ca
Hello Jan, Thanks! I shifted my receiver 50 Hz and got a solid decode. 73, Roelof, PA0RDT It's LA3EQ for some reason he is just on the edge. Roelof Bakker schreef op 27-11-2014 om 21:32: One question
Hello Joe, The sun has been quiet for ten days and that often is a good indicator for T/A propagation at LF/ MW. However, there is a large thunderstorm over southern France, playing havoc here. Graha