I've just acquired a pair of NOS RS1003 tubes by Siemens. Is anyone in Europe familiar with this tube and its application? A quick search shows them at ~ $230 each...wonder why they are so expensive?
I will be beaconing tonight for Mike ZL4OL to try and take advantage of the 'almost' grayline condx at the present time. QRSS60 /137.7775 from 0500Z- 1200Z...all reports welcome!
Uwe...would this be a proposal for amateur radio use of the 600m spectrum or for some other purpose? Steve / VE7SL Former Seefunker in Germany sent a proposal to RegTP ( Regulierungsbehörde ... ) too
John - many thanks indeed. I am sure this information will be helpful. Do you know of any other countries that are considering a 600m slot for amateurs? I posted a note to this reflector that was wri
Could someone bring me up to speed on this in the UK or elsewhere in Europe? Our Industry Canada liason person is looking for information to bolster a possible proposal for a 600m amateur allocation.
transformer design, Thanks Dave...I was quite impressed with the short listen I did on the new 756 PRO III....perhaps they have improved this problem, since the original promo was pushing the 2200m
Thanks Walter - this is most helpful. Dear Steve, the RS1003 was in use in telecommunication transmitters. It delivers up to 100W on 100MHz with 800V. I used it 1957/59 as PA, when we had a permit fo
I'm seeinga fairly massive signal from them already tonight before sunset. Accordingly I will spark up on 137777.3 at QRSS120 for a few hours. 450W into the vertical. Ident will be "SL" Steve / VE7SL
Too the wondering world It looked like it would be two nights in a row that we were shut-out to ZM2E but during the dawn twilight their signal suddenly rose out of the noise for one complete "O" copy
This is our tx antenna system. There is a 150' rising top load wire that cannot be seen as well as another 20' wire section down to the beach where it is fed. The piece in the photo is 85'. VA7LF JPE
Steve . we really appreciate your grabs! All three captures are of us, and correspond to our tx time slots. Things were unusual last night in that it is the first time that we have ever seen absolute
The top-loaded 100' vertical antenna is up, along with the radials in the ocean and we will be testing the system tonight. Any reports welcome!! Frequency 137.778 QRSS 30 Ident is "LF" This is not th
Likewise DCF39, visible here since 2130 UTC and building. Much earlier than last night by about 3 hours when it climbed very quickly to audible level. Steve / VE7SL / Mayne Island, BC CN88 NPG is vis
** Trans-Pacific Canadian Amateur LF Signals Confirmed Heard ** The first confirmed trans-Pacific reception of Canadian amateur LF (2200m) signals occured on the morning of October 4, 2005. The slow