Andrey, Ko, Henny! Thank you all for the reports. I modified my antenna and this was the first time I was transmitting with more power. 73 es gl Gerhard Am Samstag, den 11.09.2010, 23:20 +0200 schrie
Hello Group! Has anybody an explanation for the kind of signals displayed on my grabber sometimes? They appear not periodically but rather random but always around 137720. I noticed them first a few
Dear Jim ! Thank you for the tip. I really have no idea where it could come from but a motor is a possible source. Until now, I just have seen this signals during the day but that could have to do wi
Hi group ! For those who missed: And this is the proof: What was online for ever! So be careful!!!! 73 es gl OE3GHB Ge
Hello Victor! Tnx for the report. Unfortunately my computer stopped cooperation when the "b" just was in actually is should have been "ghb"... Sorry 73 es gl Gerhard OE3GHB Am Dienstag
Hello Marco ! I'm currently also playing around with a MiniWhip and had exactly the same concerns. It's not the original design because the 2N5109 wasn't available and so I used a 2SC24?? (don't reme
Hello Group, Stefan ! Sorry for the delay but here is a picture of the signal I received from DK7FC in JN88hl during his last VLF experiment last Saturday (QRB abt. 600km) I decided to attend to the
Dear group! Today I swapped the RX of my grabber to SDR and the antenna to a PA0RDT-design. I also did some minor changes to my grabber-page. So everything is new and regarding to the tests I did, th
Hello Stefan! Good news! I will be listening tomorrow. I also have set up a grabber page at but I'm not sure how well it will work. Because signals in the dreamers band are
Hello Roger! I'd like to participate in your experiment but with 20µW of ERP, I have no hope to receive your signal in JN88hl. Pls QRO. 73 es gl OE3GHB Gerhard Am Freitag, den 01.10.2010, 20:58 +0100
Hello Markus ! Do you think Stefan will transmit again or is the experiment over? Do you have any infos on this? 73 es tnx OE3GHB Gerhard Am Samstag, den 02.10.2010, 15:44 +0200 schrieb Markus Vester
Hi Stefan ! I have sent a report with a screenshot to your personal address. Have you got it? Nearly 20db over noise at QRB 631. 73 OE3GHB Gerhard Am Montag, den 04.10.2010, 23:48 +0200 schrieb Stefa
Dear all! Has anyone tried to lock SpecLab to a 1pps Signal yet? The 1pps Signal is mentioned in the manual as a possible source for calibration (as long as it has "low" jitter). In my job, I also ha
Hello Stefan ! Either day, I will try to participate! Just let me (us) know about your final decision. 73 OE3GHB Gerhard Am Donnerstag, den 21.10.2010, 17:26 +0200 schrieb Stefan Schäfer:
Hello group, dear Stefan! You are right, I am using a PA0RDT-like antenna. The differences are: Instead of the original 2nd transistor, I used a 2SC..something. A RF, low noise, low power (200mW) typ
Hello James ! I had a similar problem with an old Toshiba Satellite notebook. I solved it by setting the cooling method to "Quiet" instead of "Performance" in the BIOS and adding an external fan (120
Hello Stefan ! You're right! Those effects have been observed before. Ossi and I have watched different closely spaced grabbers (like mine and DF6NM) and found very similar results. One explanation f
Dear group, Stefan ! Congratulation to your VLF-experiment today. Here are my reports for all of the three different QRG's used: Unfortunately on 6470, I missed the beginning. 73 es looking forward t