Dear LF Group, I have put together some hopefully fairly accurate circuit diagrams of my variable phase modulator and linear BPSK generator experimental circuits. These are not meant to be fully work
Dear LF Group, Since somehow or another I seem to have gained the most experience of any UK amateur of successfully transmitting and receiving "Wolf" mode signals, I could put together a short talk a
Dear Laurie, LF group, When I was working on tuned loops at University of Herts, due to various constraints we used packaged Mini-Circuits preamps with performance similar to the MAR types. We found
Dear LF group, Thanks to CT1DRP again, who was able to decode last night's signals both at the 30mW and 10mW ERP levels. I plan to run the "Wolf" mode beacon again this evening; from 2000 until 2100
Dear Brian, Stewart, LF group, Thank you Brian for the report - the 30mW ERP signal was generated with abt 120W into my inverted L at 8m height. I will put the beacon on again tonight, starting at 20
Dear LF Group, Based on DL4YHF's description of his BPSK TX, and measuring the frequency of the DF0WD WOLF-mode signal, I was able to recalculate the command line parameters for WOLF, and decode the
Dear LF Group, Not very much time for LF activity over the weekend, but here are a few things which happened: I recorded and decoded IK5ZPV's Wolf signal at 10W level again on Thursday night. I also
Dear Tom, LF Group, It should be pointed out that the series tank circuit in the Decca PA amongst other things isolates the PA devices from changes in the load impedance. It removes a lot of spikynes
Dear Markus, LF group, I made some recordings on 137.5kHz last night between 2000 and 2200 in case IK5ZPV was QRV. No signals from Valerio were decoded, but at about 2130 a BPSK-like trace became fai
Dear LF Group, Regarding the bandwidth occupied by BPSK - John, KD4IDY has kindly posted the spectra I obtained recently for various types of BPSK and phase modulation on the LWCA web site at http://
Dear Mike, LF Group, When trying to recover a noisy signal with Wolf, it seems to be sufficient to set the audio level so that the louder bangs and cracks cause overload of the soundcard, but most of
Dear Valerio, LF Group, I made 3 recordings of IK5ZPV's "Wolf" signals on 137.5kHz last night; one made between 2000 and 2025utc produced no decoded results, however the other 2, from between 2100 an
Dear Valerio, LF group, I recorded signals from IK5ZPV from 2000 - 2025, and 2130 - 2155 last night - a broad trace was visible on the spectrogram, and Wolf decoded the message within the first data
Dear Mike, LF Group, Placing a ferrite core in a coil will always increase the inductance, and will also result in losses due to hysteresis, eddy currents, and dielectric loss in the ferrite, all of
Dear Valerio, LF Group, I made 3 x 25 minute recordings of IK5ZPV's Wolf beacon, starting at 1900, 2000 and 2100 last night; all decoded OK. Indicated frequency was between about +0.1Hz and +0.4Hz. T
Dear David, LF group, Will hopefully be finding my way to Bletchley; what sort of time and place do people intend to meet up? Cheers, Jim Moritz 73 de M0BMU
Dear Valerio, LF Group, I copied "Wolf" mode signals from IK5ZPV again last night. No signals were received before 1930 utc, but around that time I saw a strong carrier on 137.5kHz on the spectrogram
Dear Valerio, LF Group, I recorded a couple of 25 minute .wav files between 2000 and 2100 last night, and was able to decode these without difficulty - the message was "TSTIK5ZPV", indicated frequenc