Guten Tag, Genosse Funkamateur Stefan und LF!
> Guten Tag Genosse Funkamateur Roman,
> It is nice to see continuing activity on LF from Russia. Days are now
> getting shorter, the season is beginning!
> Good luck on LF.
> Yesterday i've been on the field day of our local radio club. It was
> nice to see activity on high frequencies again (not audible directly,
> because the frequency is so high, above 10 kHz!!!).
Yeeees! VY high freq!)
> Looking forward to some new activity on LF, having QSOs even.
UA4AAV actually TXing now, but visible only in russia - RA1ADF grabber.
I think will be TXing tonight!
Be QRV to SWL!
Where you magic forest grabber on 137.777?
The other Genossen - G3YXM, 2E0ILY, JA8SCD and other JA (JA7NI may be?), M0BMU,
G4WGT, NL8992, Genosse Ko - NL9222, DF2JP, KL7L, EA5DOM, SV8CS, F1AFJ, SM6BHZ,
G3KEV and DL-SWL, may be EI stations? - where are you?
EA5DOM - Luis, pse run QRSS-60 window with 137.775.5-137.780.5 pass-band onto
your grabber! Is not so hard for processor!
JA8SCD pse re-start long mode window - 137.772-137.781!
UA4AAV is a big gun station!
210m's long ant over the lake and 500 W min and 1k out tonight. GU81 in PA.
All DX SWL are welcome!
> 73, Stefan
> Am 31.08.2019 15:45, schrieb Roman:
>> Ahtung Genossen LFers!
>> Actually TXing UA4AAV from Saratov city.
>> 500W out + 120m long LW ant.
>> Pass last days are visible on DF6NM, SP5XSB, RA1ADF, RN3AUS grabbers!
>> Long distanse reports are welcome!
>> Some below and before:
>> -- 73!
>> Roman, RW3ADB
-- 73!
Roman, RW3ADB