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LF: Re: Re: Toroids

To: <[email protected]>
Subject: LF: Re: Re: Toroids
From: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 2 May 2019 10:14:16 -0400
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20190202a; t=1556806457; bh=xTDeb8MLAPfUO4V6iKsOuxtYhmVubmIn3LGldkFUbng=; h=Received:Received:Message-ID:From:To:Subject:Date:MIME-Version: Content-Type; b=J3Vl6XoDNGID/DqZ6jPpSgi7pTu6i8GEvhVPDCKlYpgv9yFBvTsvgyjncs5QFaN+p rUk0DSZwgrNRN9QdDd3eJX0XwxIzulpPrRrNLm2R+WHMJUzZ7/ehm8eXp8rCX5GO9g uUR7jdtJs1npqC+wgmJUIFoLap7+FqViZpor5SVXCL1IMKtlFKwUQIlufvN1aABzdP 0bvLDmNuufqezqen8jZSJTpvjN4/ve/AtZ80JPOxvVtF2oh7lccyJgNxs48cQ2kEWY PjH9FBHnKdYLBg4qpAanXzku8+8bjKXCEgAxBaKr9wvugEwEStjNmCQstYICOZJTsw DmEyXF/zH1vuw==
References: <[email protected]> <D5406E34951346E9B5C8CCF68B297844@DELL4>
Reply-to: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
Sorry ... my last e mail was supposed to go to Chris directly. For unknown reasons when I selected 'reply'. to Chris's direct e mail Blacksheep got filled in as the address instead of his direct e mail. That's a head scratcher ... never seen that one happen before!

Jay W1VD

----- Original Message ----- From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2019 10:01 AM
Subject: LF: Re: Toroids


None in stock but would be happy to get them for you. Only possible problem is the customs forms ... I'm required to list the values of items accurately. I had a run in with US Customs years ago and don't wish to take a chance getting tangled up with them again. Let me know and I'll check pricing for the cores and shipping.

A pi-type filter is what's required for current mode. The amplifier as shown in the schematic 'appears' to be current mode since there's no bypass at the centertap of the transformer. Not sure why you're seeing hot components. In the schematic it appears the ground was left off the bottom of LPF capacitors ... I'm sure you picked up on this. Don't think I'd use a -26 core at 500 kHz ... this may or may not be the problem.

Jay W1VD

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Wilson" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2019 8:00 AM
Subject: Toroids

Hello  Jay,

I  am going to build the MF version of your 1kW amp deck to compliment
the  LF  versions that have proven superb! I am struggling getting the
T-225A-2  toroids  and  the T-157-3 ones here in the UK without Amidon
trying  to  charge  far  more  than  the cost in postage, plus a hefty
import  duty  /  tax.  Would  you  consider supplying these direct and
marking  the package note as a low value (at my risk)? I could do with
three  of T-225A-2 and 4 of the T-157-3 toroids. Here in the UK no one
has  any  stock of either. If it's a PITA and you are unable to oblige
or you don't have them, no worries :) Thanks. Chris Wilson 2E0ILY.

BTW, off list, I built the G0MRF MF 300W amp and at full power it runs
the  toroids  and  C19  C20  mad  hot,  plus  the drain waveforms look
horrible.  Am  I  right in thinking he's using a current mode LPF on a
voltage  mode  amp?  And  are  the  components  like  caps and toroids
marginal  at  this  power  level?  I  am sure your MF amp is much more
robust :)

Best regards,
Chris                          mailto:[email protected]

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