Here is a screen shot of 7L1RLL Grabber on that day.
Upper QRSS signal was by JA1CGM(70km East) and lower DFCW signal was by JH1OFX(20km South West).
73 7L1RLL Rick Wakatori
JA1CGM was again a good "o" into Maui on a noisy night from Thunderstorms off the Big Island around 120 miles to my ESE - the carrier QRG wobbles are his
The pair of suspicious carriers that appeared the previous nights around 1145Z or so were there again last night and Im wondering whether these are just broken up
Loran harmonics or actual someone doing DFCW near 137.7764 - looking at the previous night the stability didn't look good enough for Loran so Im not sure of the source - we have discounted N1BUG as wrong freq and times
Aloha Laurence KL7L/KH6 Maui