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Re: VLF: EbNaut message announcement @ 5170

Subject: Re: VLF: EbNaut message announcement @ 5170
From: DK7FC <>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2019 15:52:52 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=2017; t=1552747974; bh=fTcv5f92gJWgMJRqjeLbQaI6ltvpv5UL4ybv9W0JxXE=; h=Date:From:To:Subject:From; b=k/DpD01IcleHpmn0BrjR8t210T0xySNj+H8OZzsi72zaNaETCehLy5X1xCH1d7s2C ZmlcsAdZy/+eOPtyLi0YtDSdyCn1W6KcYsxbdYS+HohtFzTMMJ1ixda8wWzsgR1gC1 5HlrdaUIgtc6WdF7cId8Tjg2ByA7WxQNUCQrHcpl9nDQVMhMQPVomXOcNMn1PbQgH7 3Y90JjLCh0Ejj8rj0eFZSYl4L9GQ7voBNc1qGjWtofQ2seM37iyd018FW7Xl6AglIe EBbaQKrJnZcCH8mA0OqxpJX21btAYjZDlnCkVEmqrybLVANTjBIJ5er4K80+lwxANK mYVXB3T+4L75A==
In-reply-to: <>
References: <> <> <>
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20100227 Thunderbird/3.0.3
Hello Markus and Paul, VLF,

Many thanks for the feedback. What a great result!
Paul, after the EbNaut transmission i sent '73' in DFCW-90, which is a typical mode for LF operation. Do you see the message in a spectrogram, like Markus did at DL0AO? Best setting may be something like 20 mHz and 10 sec/pixel.

On my tree (meanwhile shutdown because the old accu is empty!) the E field is still not really usable but the loops work very well on that frequency. Mixing both loops and optimising the settings gives carrier S/N: 48.05 dB in 282.5 uHz for the carrier transmission!
So i could see a clear trace from a 1 W transmitter!

I'll produce a spectrogram from the postprocessed data...

Maybe Jacek got something too? :-)

73, TNX, Stefan

Am 16.03.2019 15:29, schrieb Paul Nicholson:

Stefan wrote:

> The carrier is now running since 09:31 UTC at 5170.1 Hz.

Enormous signal here -

S/N 33.6 dB in 278uHz, -2dB in 1Hz, -36dB in 2.5kHz.

> Message:
> *f = 5170.1 Hz

> Symbol period: 2 s
> Characters: 14
> CRC bits: 14
> Coding 16K21A

> start at 10:30:00.3 UTC.

Decoded rank 0 BER 8.9% constant reference phase.

carrier Eb/N0: 10.3 dB
carrier S/N: 29.3 dB in 264.8 uHz, -6.5 dB in 1Hz, -40.5 dB in 2.5kHz

Paul Nicholson

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