hi Paul
yes, look at my KiwiSDR
http://wfohvupmh6h0ehye.myfritz.net:8073/ peak
20dB over noise
and other Kiwis, time now is 08:00 utc
peak 40dB over noise
http://tangar.utvarp.com:8073/ weak
73 Eberhard DL3ZID
Am 17.01.19 um 22:57 schrieb N1BUG:
Is anyone else seeing a signal on 133.185 kHz? I thought it was some
new kind of local interference but it seems to have some QSB which
peaks around sunset and sunrise. It has a 20 Hz pulsing 'modulation'
and the sidebands extend well past 136.5 kHz. Whatever it is, it is
very strong, some 60 dB or more above my noise floor.
Paul N1BUG