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Re: LF: Re: LF results

To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: LF: Re: LF results
From: VIGILANT Luis Fernández <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2018 20:47:44 +0000
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Thread-topic: LF: Re: LF results
Hi Paul, merry christmas

Thank you for the detailed explanation. Much apreciated !
I thought it was impossible to make it work that way but using the Rx feature 
you did it very cleverly
U3S firmware has endless features. And many users tried different configurations

I have a U3S still unfinished and may be it has the right firmware to use it in 
the way you explained
Will be very helpful to combine Tx in WSPR-2 and WSPR-15 now that PA is rebuild 
and the mosfets
have proper heatshink

I keep transmitting WSPR-2 at 3A RF. A lot of humidity here but using the inner 
section from RG213
coax as vertical line of the antenna, it cured the problems with arcs and 
sparks to the fiberglass mast

73 de Luis
De: [email protected] [[email protected]] en 
nombre de N1BUG [[email protected]]
Enviado: martes, 25 de diciembre de 2018 12:23
Para: [email protected]
Asunto: Re: LF: Re: LF results

Hi Luis,

My apology for taking a day to get back to you.

I am doing this with a U3S. With firmware 3.12 it's possible. I
don't know about earlier firmware.

You can use the RX (receive) function to put spaces between
transmissions of the same mode or different modes. Each RX period is
2 minutes long. You have to program several of the U3S 'mode' slots
to get the TX pattern how you want it.

You do not need to have the QRP Labs receiver module installed to do
this. There is no receiver module in my U3S. When programming the RX
slots you must enter a frequency even though it will not be doing
anything. If you don't the firmware complains, hi. I set 1 MHz just
to make it easy to program.

I set it up like this:

Frame 30, Start 00

Then the modes:


It sends WSPR15 starting at 00 minutes, then WSPR2 starting at 18
minutes, 22 minutes, 26 minutes, then a CAL cycle. At minute 30 it
starts again with WSPR15 and so on.

Might be a little confusing how a 2 minute RX period puts a 3 minute
space between minute 15 and minute 18 but it does. The U3S will RX
15 to 17 minutes, then do nothing until minute 18. It is smart
enough to know it should start WSPR2 only on even minutes.

I hope this helps, Luis.

Merry Christmas everyone!


On 12/24/18 11:03 AM, VIGILANT Luis Fernández wrote:
> Hi Paul, LF
> Thank you for the spots. I got also 14 spots from K3MF. Previous night was 
> even better but could
> not left the PA working overnight. Got a spot from KD2OM before 23 UTC
> I'm also interested in combinning WSPR-2 and WSPR-15 in TX. Unfortunately 
> this can not be done in U3S
> So I guess you are using the PC with two instances combined and probably 
> other schedulers, right ?
> Can you explain how you do it ?
> I was thinking on combining two U3S units, one in WSPR-2 and the other 
> WSPR-15 sharing GPS and switching
> the output to the PA
> Want to use this message to wish a Merry Christmast to all the lowfers out 
> there
> 73 de Luis
> ________________________________________
> De: [email protected] [[email protected]] 
> en nombre de N1BUG [[email protected]]
> Enviado: lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018 11:13
> Para: [email protected]
> Asunto: LF: LF results
> I missed the SAQ transmission :-(
> But good results on LF. Received many reports on both WSPR2 and
> WSPR15 modes.
> EA5DOM and 2E0ILY slipped some WSPR2 transmissions into my Rx. Good
> job Luis and Chris! This is not so easy when I am TXing combined
> WSPR2/WSPR15, there is not much free RX time. Also very lucky
> considering 30% of time I had the usual QRM on 137.552 or so. It is
> from pumps at the water treatment plant (or really the motor
> controllers I think).
> 73,
> Paul

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