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Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00

Subject: Re: VLF: Carrier on 8270.00
From: DK7FC <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2018 14:03:23 +0100
Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/simple;; s=2017; t=1545397405; bh=THr0JOYkNuWIkkRaSo00W1+hpEpNkULBty7oHvTsplg=; h=Date:From:To:Subject:From; b=GKqLsWFu3zM8Ei8nohEc60uYqO+3mMarlfxA6ymX5VYb8SVcA6hd5+t+GRTfgFeml rQk86/dkbdOQjjmSp0bZAjS6MJ+ut7Fp4MZ0C8WmbQLQSqOgA7m54SDIWqJjHezHcu pK4RwJ3ut6mTdKmu9BUYyFc5tMPRrwrNYHNrIg4lv0sv/Rt8L5nF4IQxLoVWtT5sbU 9SREAiM1XE2fHpAYlIWfMNJReSpo1N0IxXpdQZ0WHt+sOfMl5sAlpOw0EV69C/NuFf ehPHJ/EbezPZHBGQmcLNGe2+0i4eduu0BQkwkxN6yEwju1SP2fn2j9BY5h0g+6NvSD a60fO3jpNgbgw==
In-reply-to: <>
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Hi Markus,

Yes. I thought it is time to use the longest nights in the year to play a bit on 8.27 kHz again.
Preparing for a 3 character message attempt over to W1VD. So far we managed 2 characters by stacking 3 nightly transmissions. We failed with 5 characters, somehow. That was in February.

Just for fun i'm going to transmit an EbNaut message soon:

f = 8270.1 Hz
Start time: 21.DEC.2018  13:30:00.3 UTC
Symbol period: 10 s
Characters: 12
CRC bits: 10
Coding 16K21A
Antenna current: 620 mA
Duration: 04:32 [hh:mm]

73, Stefan

Am 21.12.2018 12:41, schrieb Markus Vester:
Last night between 0:40 and 7 UT, the DL0AO and DF6NM VLF grabbers showed a reasonably strong, westerly carrier on 8270.000 Hz. Stefan?

Best 73,

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