Hi Stefan, LF
>Be careful with such claims on LF :-) But maybe you are right. I have no overview. The early LF >operators may know more.
>There has been done a LOT on that band in the past. CW was a regular mode and there have >been quite a lot stations on the air
Your comments triggered my curiosity ;-)
So I contacted the OM who has the best knowledge of the history of Ham Radio in Spain. This is Isidoro, EA4DO, who keeps an amazing
historical archieve with lots of documents which are really a legacy for future generations. Worth to have a look at his QRZ.com
He has already sent me a long email with lot of information. Seems that in the early XX century there were just few experimenters
in Spain
using spark transmitters. Radio transmission from experimenters was oficially forbiden in 1908 and since then, and specially during
1914 war, any experiment was kept at maximum secret. There could be some exception like the known "L.C.T" station (for Dr. Luis
Cirera Terré)
who was transmitting between 1400 and 600m. That was close to the frequencies used by ships and other services and caused many
problems to professional communications. So, ham
operators were "condemned" to use bands of 200m and shorter, which professionals thought were useless :-)
But in Spain, Ham Radio was forbidden untill July 14th 1924 were D.Miguel Moya got the callsign EAR-1
So.......Plenty of FIRST pending from EA in LF
Make a queue gents ! ;-)
73 de Luis