Dear ULF friends,
Since 11 UTC, i'm attempting to transfer an EbNaut message into the far
field at 829.9 Hz. The antenna current is 1.83 A, blown into my 900m
spaced earth electrode antenna. TX power is 320 W.
At the given distance between my TX and RX antennas, 57.6 km, this is
the lowest frequency in the far field.
I'm trying:
f = 829.9 Hz
Start time: 27.OCT.2018 11:00 UTC
Symbol period: 10 s
Characters: 4
CRC bits: 18
Coding 16K21A
Antenna current: 1.8 A
Duration: 02:45:20 [hh:mm:ss]
If the noise background is as low as in the recent 5 character message
at 970 Hz, i will have a spare of 3 dB for a decode, so i am quite
If successful, it will be a new record for the lowest frequency for a
message generated/received in the far field, by amateurs.
Quite cold here! The notebook is standing on the roof of my old car
while writing this email.
Now i have to wait and enjoy the nature here :-)
73, Stefan
PS: Since a few days i'm archiving/monitoring the E field ELF...VLF
stream of Renato Romero, IK1QFK. It is unlikely but i will see if he
got the message at a significant SNR...